1:20am - 12/10/01


a time where others also lay
but where some don't,
and many for various reasons, for lack of a chance, won't.

but then, should it really be called a 'chance'
to be among others and protected by a fence
from the different ones. 'protection',
from another world, a sinner faction.

fences made of things stronger 
than steel, and whose temperature gets colder
than an antagonism of incadescent lava boiling up,
exploding, running down, washing everything up. [...]

</codeína nikélika>

it's a cruel world. - to 'em, to them stardust seeds -

ps: the use of whose:

It has sometimes been claimed that whose is properly used only as the possessive form of who and thus should be restricted to animate antecedents, as in a man whose power has greatly eroded. But there is extensive literary precedent for the use of whose with inanimate antecedents, as in The play, whose style is rigidly formal, is typical of the period. In an earlier survey this example was acceptable to a large majority of the Usage Panel. Those who avoid this usage employ of which: The play, the style of which is rigidly formal, is typical of the period. But as this example demonstrates, substituting of which may produce a stilted sentence.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. 

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